Nigeria unnecessarily lagging behind in development – Prof. Dike N. Kalu

P rofessor Dike N Kalu, author of Nigeria’s Adventures in
Technology, is Professor Emeritus at the University of
Texas Health Science Center, USA. In this chat with
Vanguard Learning during his recent visit to Nigeria, he
speaks on his book and says science/technology is
imperative to the nation's development.
What motivated you to write Nigeria’s Adventures in
Technology ?
I have always been interested in technology. My field is in
science, and the fruit of science is technology. It is really
technology that makes science worthwhile because long
time ago, people discovered that they can use it to
develop their countries
It’s easy to notice that Nigeria has been unnecessarily
lagging behind in development and that she shares in
common with other developing or under-developed
countries, the inability to utilise the fruit of science which
is technology, to solve their developmental problems.
When we had independence in the 1960, we were
optimistic that subsequent administrations would use
science and technology to develop our country but it
seems that every year, we continue to lag behind in
Should our curriculum be changed since we appear to
concentrate more on theory than on practical
application of science? For instance a graduate of
computer science recently confessed to me that she
never handled a computer until she graduated...
That is sad but it is not unique to Nigeria. It is unique to
people from underdeveloped circumstances. I have
worked in the US as a scientist for many years and have
seen all sorts.
A graduate student from a very poor area of the US once
came to do post-graduate work in our university and she
told us that she had never used a pipette before. She was
from a very underprivileged school and the programme
she came to do in our university was designed just to
help people from such unfortunate backgrounds. But
we were not expecting people that had never seen a
pipette, let alone use it!
You have to use a pipette accurately for anything that
requires its use in science to be meaningful; and here is a
person who is doing a PhD and had never seen a pipette!
Of course, she did not make it. So I am not really
surprised to hear about the unfortunate computer guy
that had never handled a computer because this is
common among people from underdeveloped
Advice to government:
I do not think our people are inferior in any way to people
I have seen in the Western countries. I have been away
from the country for over 50 years. I schooled with the
children of the Western world; I have taught the children
of the Western world, and I competed in research for a
long time with their scientists.
In all those activities, I did not see anything to make me
believe that these people are superior to us. In fact, over
200 years ago, one of their famous scientists said that
“science knows no country because knowledge belongs
to humanity and is the torch which illuminates the
world.” No one is endowed with superior intellect; it is
just a question of opportunities. Nigerians badly need to
be given the appropriate opportunity to practice science
and technology in their own country.
Sadly, our science is deteriorating in many quarters. For
many of us who are getting on in life, if you go back to
your secondary school, you will see that the standard of
science is lower than when you were there about 50
years ago. That is a sad commentary; so what I am
advocating in part in this book is that our leaders need to
go and revitalize our science. If they do, technology will
pick up because technology for the most part, is a
product of science. But if we do not revitalize our science
at the secondary and even elementary school level, we
will just be dreaming and deceiving ourselves when we
say we will use technology to advance development in
our country.
Technology transfer:
Someone asked, why can’t we just buy technology from
others? You can, but you shouldn’t because you need not
depend on other people to do for you what you can do
for yourself. Most foreign investors basically want your
money and to keep you as their perpetual customers.
They know that innovation is the only sure way to
progress, and you cannot innovate if you do not do the
basic work and research yourself.
We need to encourage our people appropriately in their
efforts to do research in our harsh environment. If we
don’t, there is no lack of charlatans ready to exploit the
fact that we lack technology.
What happens is that when news of an invention breaks
in Africa, the West may give awards to the inventor but
will not patronize his/her work which is eventually
overtaken by Western innovation. It is up to us to see to it
that we encourage indigenous appropriate technology.
Start something:
The bottom line is we should start and persevere with
worthwhile ideas and don’t try to start from the top or just
duplicate what others have already done. We are
obligated to start investigating issues that are beneficial
to us like adapting foreign technology to suit our
particular needs, making good water supply available to
all, sanitary disposal of wastes, using technology to fight
illiteracy, poor roads, treat the sick, ascertain the
nutritional value of our foods, learn the scientific basis of
our local therapeutics, bring electric light to our
neighbourhoods, combat the challenges of climate
change, look for alternative sources of energy to fossil
fuel, etc. We are bound to regret it if we continue to
ignore the necessity to improve science in our schools
and prepare ourselves appropriately so that we can
address these issues.

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